SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Reise nach Ostende
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Klaus Wildenhahn Reise nach Ostende

Reise nach Ostende
Klaus Wildenhahn
1989 - RFA - Couleur - 120'

"Ostend, the endpoint of a personal journey": Klaus Wildenhahn provides us with the clue for his film, that all in one deals with searching for origins and with the history of Germany, against the grain. Ostend: the town where during World War I his mother volunteered as a nurse to treat the wounded German soldiers invading Belgium, and where she ended up a staunch pacifist. Ostend: the town where Klaus Wildenhahn shoots an essay-film in the footsteps of history, all the more touching that the personal issues at stake are never unveiled. "A touristic, historical and documentary film". (Klaus Wildenhahn)

Photography : Wolfgang Jost
Sound : Klaus Wildenhahn
Production : NDR, WDR
Distribution : Deutsche Kinemathek (dfoerstner@deutsche-kinematek.de, +49 30 300 903 32)