SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nannerl, la sœur de Mozart
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Assembled Territories: image, music, sound Nannerl, la sœur de Mozart

Nannerl, la sœur de Mozart
René Féret
2010 - France - Couleur - 120'

Mozart had an elder sister nicknamed Nannerl. Child prodigy, she was presented with her brother before all the European courts. At the end of a three year long family journey, she met the son of Louis XV at Versailles who encouraged her to write music. But Nannerl is a girl and girls don't have the right to compose...

Photography : Benjamin Echazarreta
Sound : Agnès Szabo, Emmanuelle Villard
Editing : Fabienne Féret
Music : Marie-Jeanne Séréro
Interpretation : Marie Féret, Marc Barbé, Delphine Chuillot, David Moreau
Production : Les Films Alyne
Distribution : JML Distribution (contact@reneferet.com, +33 (0)1 43 15 97 10)