SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Outburst - My Mouth, My Revolt, My Name
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Building a Political Point of View? The Outburst - My Mouth, My Revolt, My Name

The Outburst - My Mouth, My Revolt, My Name
Sylvain George
2011 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 84'

Bursts of voices, laughter, rage; fragments of words, images, memory; speech from nearby and afar, from yesterday and today, from Africa, the Middle East, Europe; vanished diseases, metal hands, the breath of wind, gesture of the setting sun, blood red tints; police round-ups, war parades, court of injustice... For a map of the violence inflicted on migrants, the repetition of the colonialism, and the unacceptability of the "world as it is".

Photography : Sylvain George
Sound : Sylvain George
Editing : Sylvain George
Production : Noir production
Distribution : Noir production (noirproduction@no-log.org, +33 (0)1 44 84 92 55)