SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Bird and US
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 The Films from the 2017 Creative Documentary Master 2 The Bird and US

The Bird and US
Félix Rehm
2017 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 20'

In 1926, a Brancusi sculpture is stopped at the American border. Non-figurative, this artwork is classified as a manufactured article and its owner forced to pay a duty. The artist appealed the decision. Judge Byron Waite, a former member of the Customs Board, is chosen to process the trial.

Photography : Maxence Lemonnier, Juliette Barrat
Sound : Romain Ozanne
Editing : Félix Rehm
Music : Géry Petit, Axel Nouveau
Production : La Fémis