SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Hana’s Spring
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Story of a Production : Alter Ego – l'atelier documentaire Hana’s Spring

Hana’s Spring ( Le Printemps d’Hana )
Sophie Zarifian, Simon Desjobert
2013 - France - Couleur - 55'

Hana has just turned eighteen. She lives in Cairo and participated in the Revolution from the first day, January 25, 2011. With the great spontaneity that characterises her and the new eyes of a young woman discovering political engagement, she tries to find a way to become actively involved in a fundamental change in her country. In her family, amid a new political party, with her band of friends with whom she has created a newspaper, or again in the streets encountering other Egyptians, she tries to find a place to make her voice heard.

Photography : Sophie Zarifian, Simon Desjobert
Sound : Sophie Zarifian, Simon Desjobert
Editing : Abdelatif Belhadj
Production : L'atelier documentaire
(atelierdocumentaire@yahoo.fr, +33 (0)5 57 34 20 57)