Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Séances spéciales The Wall

The Wall ( Die Mauer )
Jürgen Böttcher
1990 - Allemagne - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 99'

It is the dismantling of the Berlin Wall as a catharsis from a bad dream. Jürgen Böttcher and Thomas Plenert show – in permanently changing perspectives – spontaneous observations of what happened in the winter of 1989-90 along the wall after its spectacular fall; “Mauerspechte” (“woodpeckers” that dig pieces of the wall as keepsakes), pedestrians from East to West and back, tourists from around the world, curious kids and former wall guards that now lost their jobs. Through projections on the wall we also witness parts of the older history of the place. Common and historic events are presented without any comments, nothing but the strength of the images of painter Jürgen Böttcher, alias Strawalde.

Photography : Thomas Plenert
Sound : Ronald Gohlke
Editing : Gudrun Steinbrück
Production : DEFA Studio für Dokumentarfilme
Distribution : Progress Film (m.mai@progress-film.de, +49 (0)30 24 00 3 202)