SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Shadow's Share
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Viewing Experiences The Shadow's Share

The Shadow's Share ( La Part de l'ombre )
Olivier Smolders
2014 - Belgique/France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 28'

February 7, 1944. The day of the opening of an important exhibition of his work, the photographer Oskar Benedek disappears without trace. His strange story can seem dubious, rather like his disturbing images, appearing to constantly deceive with what they show us and tell us. The Shadow's Share examines this duplicity, focusing both on the historical context of 1940s Hungary and the very nature of this body of work obsessed by the theme of masks.

Auteur : Thierry Horguelin, Olivier Smolders
Image : Jean-François Spricigo
Son : Ismaël Joffroy-Chandoutis, Marc Bastien
Montage : Olivier Smolders
Production : Le Scarabée asbl, Wallonie Image Production, Yuzu productions