SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Jesus' Blood (Never Failed Me Yet)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 On the Subject of Regrettable Searching - Body to Body, the Filmed Body Jesus' Blood (Never Failed Me Yet)

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Jesus' Blood (Never Failed Me Yet)
Stephen Dwoskin
1972 - Grande-Bretagne - Couleur - 30'

“The image of Jesus' Blood seems motionless. Yet, the man does indeed advance towards us extremely slowly. This film was shot with a medical camera at an extremely high speed and with a high sensitivity film.”

Photography : Stephen Dwoskin
Sound : Stephen Dwoskin
Editing : Stephen Dwoskin
Production : Stephen Dwoskin
Distribution : Lux (ben@lux.org.uk, +44 (0)20 7503 3978)