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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Tënk! Stories of a Trial

Stories of a Trial ( Histoires d'un procès )
Alexandra Garcia-Vilà, Franck Moulin
2015 - France - Couleur - 67'

Vitin, Fermin, Carlos, Olga Martin, Carolina, Véronica and Miguel are complainants, witnesses or lawyers at the trial of former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla in Cordoba, Argentina. They are former political prisoners or family members of victims, and have been prisoners of stigmatization, fear and trauma for years. The trial allows them to finally tell their stories, sometimes for the first time. After more than thirty years of impunity, two generations are trying to rid themselves of what remains of the dictatorship.

Photography : Alexandra Garcia-Vilà, Franck Moulin
Sound : Alexandra Garcia-Vilà, Franck Moulin
Editing : Anne Argouse, Alexandra Garcia-Vilà, Franck Moulin
Production : The Kingdom