SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Children of Beirut
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Docmonde Children of Beirut

Children of Beirut ( Wled Bayrout )
Sarah Srage
2017 - France - Couleur - 59'

How can I possibly define, today, my relationship to a city that is in a continuous state of loss? I interview my father, Nader, a public sector employee, regarding his involvement in the reconstruction phase of post-civil-war Beirut, and I film Dalieh, a small port of the city where the last families of fishermen are soon to be evicted as the district is privatized.

Photography : Félix Albert, Sarah Srage
Sound : Ramzi Mady
Editing : Mathias Bouffier
Production : L’atelier documentaire, Lyon Capitale TV