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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Reruns Housemaids

Gabriel Mascaro
2012 - Brésil - Couleur - 76'

Seven teenagers agreed to film their domestic workers for a week. Moving between moments of disturbing intimacy, expressions of authority and daily tasks, the film casts a contemporary eye on domestic work and turns into an essay on the relationship between emotions and work. A rare insight into the echoes of a colonial past that lingers in contemporary Brazilian households.

Photography : Alana Santos Fahel, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira, Jenifer Rodrigues Régis, Juana Souza de Castro, Luiz Felipe Godinho, Perla Sachs Kindi, Claudomiro Carvalho Neto
Sound : Alana Santos Fahel, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira, Jenifer Rodrigues Régis, Juana Souza de Castro, Luiz Felipe Godinho, Perla Sachs Kindi, Claudomiro Carvalho Neto
Editing : Eduardo Serrano
Production : Desvia