SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - D'un mur l'autre — Berlin-Ceuta
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Outdoor Screenings D'un mur l'autre — Berlin-Ceuta

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D'un mur l'autre — Berlin-Ceuta
Patric Jean
2008 - Belgique - Couleur - 90'

This is a European road movie that travels from the defunct BerlinWall to the brand-new barrie rat Ceuta, on the African continent. As it zigzags through the boardlands, it focuses on a single theme: the new multicultural Europe, rejoicing in the diversity contributed by the foreigners, despite its tradition of rejecting them. From North to South, Patric Jean goes in quest of men and women who have migrated from all over the world, giving us cheerful, affectionale glimpses of their lives as they find places in the new society, participating in it with energy and generosity.

Photography : Patric Jean
Sound : Jean-Jacques Quinet
Editing : Françoise Arnaud
Production : Black Moon Prod, Espace international du Forem, Wallonie Image Production
Distribution : Wallonie Image Production (info@wip.be, +32 4 340 10 40)