SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - 13 Years and 10 Months
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc Route: Poland 13 Years and 10 Months

13 Years and 10 Months ( 13 Lat i 10 Miesięcy )
Jennifer Malmqvist
2006 - Pologne - Couleur - 10'

Anastazja is thirteen years old and has Cystic Fibrosis, meaning that she will most likely die before she turns thirty. While the disease is ever-present in her life, thoughts, music and writing, it does not stop her from enjoying every moment.

Photography : Kate McCullough
Sound : Iga Stankiewicz
Editing : Cecylia Pacura
Production : National Film School of Łódź (mg@filmschool.lodz.pl, +48 426 345 820)
Distribution : National Film School of Łódź (mg@filmschool.lodz.pl, +48 426 345 820)