Féministes en tous genre
Béatrice Vernhes
2016 - 65 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

In France, why is "feminism" a bad word? A journey into everyday life feminism, in the context of "la manif pour tous" and pop feminism.
Hélène is a trapeze artist in a family owned circus, where three generations live and work together. Elise is a kindergarten teacher and works in a family planning organisation. Fred is Franco-Swedish and gives feminists self-defence classes. Ndella wears a head scarf. Myriam is a journalist, with two of her girlfriends they have created an online feminist magazine, for and by the Y generation.

Author-Director : Béatrice Vernhes
Photography : Béatrice Vernhes
Sound : Yolande Decarsin
Editing : Anne Souriau
Delegate Producer : Zadig Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : LCP - La Chaîne parlementaire Assemblée nationale
Contribution : TV5 Monde, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Zadig Productions
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