Aude Léa Rapin
2013 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

The film is about life in a Serbian enclave in North Kosovo - a predominantly Albanian territory that proclaimed itself independent depicts an explosive situation in which people hate one another and fall in their own trap. A population united by one tragedy : one of civilians victims of war and propaganda who fear Albanian retaliation.
Through the portrayal of the inhabitants of this singular place, the films narrates the fear of the other. Enclave makes an assessment : one of a Europe more and more torn apart by identity crisis and religious conflicts.

Author-Director : Aude Léa Rapin
Photography : Aude Léa Rapin, Adrien Selbert
Sound : Aude Léa Rapin, Adrien Selbert
Editing : Aude Léa Rapin
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : Télénantes
Contribution : Région Pays de la Loire, CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa


Distributor : Les Films d'ici


2015 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile de la Scam
2014 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Sélection Expériences du regard