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Des jours ordinaires à Boussac Série-Collection : La Vie de château

Philippe Molins
1996 - 26 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

Boussac castle in the Creuse is celebrating its 30th anniversary. A rebirth created by Lucien and Bernadette Blondeau. The offspring of upholsterers and antique-dealers, they gave up their youth to this vessel of stone, stranded after so many years of power and nobility.
Through their obstinacy and their courage, Lucien the builder and Bernadette the artist have brought about the realisation of their dream : to live in Boussac. This monument at risk has become their life's work.
Bernadette has vested everything in this castle which has become hers. For a long time she envied George Sand who loved this castle peopled with draughts. Now she speaks of it like a person. Lucien, once the fabric restored has become passionately involved in other monuments he is trying to give life to.
In Aubusson, Bénédicte, their only daughter, directs with Lucien her father, a manufacture of tapestry. Today she returns to Boussac, the castle which has become her brother, which, as a child, she both loved and hated.

Author-Director : Philippe Molins
Original Music : Laurent Ferlet
Delegate Producer : Méditerranée film production
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Méditerranée film production
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