Dénoncer sous l'Occupation
David Korn-Brzoza
2011 - 92 min - Vidéo - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Under the German occupation in WWII, the French incriminated their own en masse. Hundreds of thousands of letters, mostly anonymous, were sent to German and French agencies of repression; thousands of telephone calls were made by informants. Denouncement and fear of incrimination eroded the social fabric under the Vichy government. As proof: following 1944, the crime of denouncement represented the highest number of cases in the judicial courts of the Liberation.

Author-Director : David Korn-Brzoza
Author : Laurent Joly
Photography : Charles Sautreuil
Sound : Nicolas Klein
Editing : Cécile Coolen
Delegate Producer : Program 33
Co-producer : CNRS Images
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Télévisions


Distributor : Program 33
DVD Editing : CNRS Images


2012 - FIPA (Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : Compétition - Grands Reportages