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Çürük, le rapport rose
( Çürük - The Pink Report )

Ulrike Böhnisch
2011 - 75 min - HDV - Couleur - Allemagne

The Turkish army considers homosexuality a mental disorder, which exonerates young men from military service, but also requires a medical diagnosis to be reached through both psychological and more invasive (and humiliating) diagnostic procedures.
This film tells the heartfelt stories of several gay men, who have made entirely different choices about military service. Due to missing freedom of speech the young men are forced to hide their faces while exposing one of Turkeys biggest taboos.

Author-Director : Ulrike Böhnisch
Photography : Wolfgang Busch, Markus Otto
Sound : Philippe Weber, Markus Rieger
Editing : Andrea Schönherr
Original Music : Bülent Emir, Patrick Maresch
Delegate Producer : Ulrike Böhnisch
Co-producer : Medeafilm
Co-producer : Ada & Zylla Films
Contribution : Elle Dorado e.V, Hannchen Mehrzweck Stiftung, Allianz Kultur Allianzen, Studentenwerk Potsdam


Distributor : Ulrike Böhnisch