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Cona'cris, la révolution orpheline
Gilles Nivet
2008 - 53 min - HDV - Couleur - France

In January 2007, the Guinean youth dared defy the tribe system, violent and corrupted regime of the old General Lansana Conté. The western TVs broadcasted for a while non-professional images of a bloody repression, and then Guinea went down into dark again.
Through Thierno’s testimonies, graduated unemployed man, and Margot’s, young history teacher, the film recounts the genesis of the events, from despair to rebellion, from rebellion to the darkest disillusion.

Author-Director : Gilles Nivet
Photography : Gilles Nivet
Sound : Françoise Lefevre
Editing : Ludovic Tac
Delegate Producer : 10 Francs
Co-producer : Gaïa vidéo
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : 10 Francs
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