Maison du documentaire Chris Marker
Chris Marker
( Never Explain, Never Complain )
Série-Collection : Lumière de notre temps

Arnaud Lambert, Jean-Marie Barbe
2015 - 146 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

A writer, filmmaker, essayist, world traveller, photo- grapher, engaged intellectual and eulogist of the ima- ginary, who played a little piano, painted a little too, and liked animals, Chris Marker explored most of the human means of expression. Mixing interviews with some of his closer companions and numerous excerpts, the film retraces the major periods of this unique body of film work, following through its trajectory the forms and questions raised by political and cinematic engagement in the second half of the twentieth century.

Author-Director : Arnaud Lambert, Jean-Marie Barbe
Photography : Zoltán Hauville, Prune Bringuier
Sound : Maya Rosa, Roxane Billamboz
Editing : Luc Forveille
Delegate Producer : Ardèche images production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Lyon Capitale TV
Broadcasting Co-producer : Ciné+
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Angoa-Agicoa, Procirep, Région Rhône-Alpes, Département de l'Ardèche


Distributor : Ardèche images production
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