Chahinaz : quels droits pour les femmes ? Série-Collection : Madmundo

Samia Chala, Patrice Barrat
2006 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Chahinaz is a young Algerian woman who dreams of freedom and who cannot understand why her life is being dictated to her. A student in Constantine, this young sparkling woman loves her country but is suffocated by the weight of tradition and religion. How can you change society in a country where the law officially sanctions inequality between men and women? How can women’s rights be advanced on a global level?
In order to find answers to her questions, we have travelled to her country and across several continents, comparing her situation with that of other women. And also to inform those who have the power to change what Chahinaz does not accept. Chahinaz asks questions without blinkers, and seeks answers that are not just black and white. She brings a fresh and intelligent view to the condition of women in the North and the South, and in the process challenges some widely prevalent clichés about Muslim women.

Author-Director : Samia Chala, Patrice Barrat
Delegate Producer : Article Z
Co-producer : ITVS (Independent Television Service)
Broadcasting Co-producer : SBS
Broadcasting Co-producer : TFO (TV Ontario)
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : France 5
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : CFI (Canal France international)
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Article Z
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