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Buno, algo de payaso
Aurélie Jourdan
2007 - 53 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

The clown Buno flies away towards the discovery of Columbia.
Invited to the Circus Festival of Bogotá he is amazed to find his name at the top of the bill, presented like an international star. To the rhythm of his meetings and juggler's turns, he makes us discover another circus culture, in which the clown sometimes struggles over finding his identity and asserting his identity.
The opportunity of casting a different glance over a clown's part in the society and its political dimension. Some mimes to have the law respected...
In Bogotá the concept doesn't make anyone laugh any longer, since a former mayor has dared to take the plunge successfully.

Author-Director : Aurélie Jourdan
Delegate Producer : Tractofilms
Co-producer : Aruspice Circus, GnamaGnama productions


Distributor : Tractofilms
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