Before The End of the World
( Antes do fim do Mundo )

Sabrina Marostica
2012 - 71 min - HD - Couleur - Portugal

The documentary "Before the End of the World" shows diferent sights of the end of the world and describe possible relations between them.
The announced prophecies and expactations related to the theme, under point of views that goes over science and religions until what is the talk of the town, the people who manifest their opinion.
Above all, the destiny of the human race was "written in the stars", the humanity is causing her own end through the negative relation with the nature, or all of this is just popular believe ?

Author-Director : Sabrina Marostica
Photography : Herbert Gondo
Sound : Fernando Henna
Editing : Rodrigo Rapp
Delegate Producer : Marginal Filmes


Distributor : Elo Company
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