Salomé Jashi
2011 - 58 min - HDCam & Beta digital - Couleur - Géorgie, Allemagne

A journey into a lively but rotting building – a microcosm intruded by the constant anticipation of change. A three-story brick building in a provincial Georgian town. At the center of the building is a restaurant whose walls are covered with bright green and orange plastic foam and where tables are set, waiting for customers – who rarely come. Just like customers, change also comes rarely here. Just like the others in the building waitress Nana and her boss are waiting…
This building, which resembles Noah’s Ark, is a microcosm, a model of this troubled country with its endless demonstrations and opposition rallies. On the backdrop of political events, somehow, all of life is here.

Author-Director : Salomé Jashi
Delegate Producer : Ma.Ja.De Fimproduktions Gmbh
Co-producer : Sakdoc film
Broadcasting Co-producer : MDR Leipzig (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk)
Broadcasting Co-producer : YLE/FST
Broadcasting Co-producer : Ikon-TV (Pays-Bas), TVP (Pologne), ETV (Estonie)


Distributor : Deckert Distribution gmbH


2015 - Visions du réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Focus Géorgie
2014 - Busan International Film Festival, Busan (Corée du Sud) : Sélection
2012 - The Golden Apricot International Film Festival, Yerevan (Arménie) : Mention spéciale
2012 - ZagrebDox - Festival international du documentaire, Zagreb (Croatie) : Sélection
2011 - DOK Leipzig - International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, Leipzig (Allemagne) : Mention d'Honneur Jeune talent
2011 - Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Jihlava (République tchèque) : Award pour le meilleur documentaire de l'Europe Centrale et de l'Est