Bagdad, chronicle from an immured city
Lucas Menget, Laurent Van der Stockt
2016 - 54 min - HD - Couleur - France

Baghdad is immured in fear, unease and violence. Among the cities of this world, the Iraqi capital has suffered the highest number of terrorist attacks. Its 8 million inhabitants have lived through the bloody end of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, the American occupation, and the revival of a religious war between Sunnis and Shias with the emergence of ISIS. Now all players fight for control over a territory of which Baghdad is the epicentre.
The film is a chronicle of the city, of Baghdadis who fear for their lives at each outing, of their despair as well as their incredible spark of humanity. Through the course of encounters with inhabitants, with religious chiefs, politicians and militants, the filmmakers, who have been working in Baghdad for years, evoke this ancient capital today at the heart of a devastating and historic civil war.

Author-Director : Lucas Menget, Laurent Van der Stockt
Photography : Laurent Van der Stockt
Editing : Yann Coquart
Delegate Producer : Elzévir Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Public Sénat
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Al Arabiya Channel, Radio Canada
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa, Europe Créative


Distributor : Lucky You


2016 - FIGRA Festival International du Grand Reportage d'Actualité et du Documentaire de Société, Le Touquet (France) : Hors compétition