Natacha Sautereau
2003 - 55 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

What does Guyana evoke for you? A penal colony, the Ariane rocket, pimentos, the green Hell...
We often consider these clichés to be enough to describe a country on which we ignore almost everything.
Frequently assimilated to West Indies, the widest French department remains mainly unknown. Sergine, Josy, Jean-marc, Jérémie and Bernard, five people originally from Guyana who came to Paris region with their own dreams and ambitions, tell their memories and evoke their complex relationship with their motherland.

Author-Director : Natacha Sautereau
Delegate Producer : Skopia films
Broadcasting Co-producer : ACG Antenne créole Guyane
Contribution : Ministère de l'Outre-Mer, CNC, Conseil général de Guyane, Région Guyane


Distributor : Skopia films
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