Benjamin Colaux
2022 - 90 min - 35 mm & Vidéo Full HD - Noir & Blanc - Belgique, France

At the end of the world, day in, day out, three men take on the southern ocean and its legends. They leave their families and brave the cold and the storms to go and meet the isolated fishermen in the infamous Cape Horn islands. Some launch themselves into these epic channels through greed, others for love of the sea or family need, but all agree on the importance of carrying forward this endangered traditional livelihood and brotherly sharing.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Benjamin Colaux
Image : Benjamin Colaux
Son : Leny Andrieux
Montage : Mathieu Haesseler, Denis Leborgne
Musique originale : Claire Goldfarb
Producteur délégué : Stenola Productions
Coproducteur : Little Big Story
Coproducteur : Associate Directors
Diffuseur coprod. : RTBF Bruxelles
Diffuseur coprod. : ARTE GEIE


Distributeur : WIP (Wallonie Image Production)