Beyond the Mountains
( Yama no anata )

Aya Koretzky
2011 - 60 min - HD - Couleur - Portugal

I submerge in the Mondego's landscape, where I came to live with my parents when I was still a child, leaving behind Tokyo, my hometown. Through the letters I've received from friends and family who remained in Japan, I recall the past and I reflect on our coming to Portugal.
This film is a journey through my images and childhood memories, in an attempt to retain the ephemeral memory.

Author-Director : Aya Koretzky
Photography : Miguel Clara Vasconcelos, Aya Koretzky
Sound : Aya Koretzky, Pedro Gois
Editing : Tomas Baltazar
Original Music : Aya Koretzky
Delegate Producer : Andar Filmes


Distributor : Alpha Violet
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - CInemed - Festival International du Cinéma Méditérranéen de Montpellier, Montpellier (France) : Sélection