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Atomic Ed
David Kidman
2003 - 6 min - Digital vidéo & 16 mm & Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

The crazy expenditure (in the region of $5 billion per year) of the National Nuclear laboratories at Los Alamos mean that they are forced to get rid of an impressive quantity of object and equipment.
A good deal of this stuff finds its way into Atomic Ed's Black Hole, a nuclear scrapyard. The place is crammed with headless missiles and arcanery. Everything is for sale, if Ed can be persuaded to let it go, while he puts all his money and energy into a one-man anti-nuclear campaign in the town whose whole reason for being is nuclear weapons.
Over the years he has worked on his media speech and today, occasionally, the fault lines open up to give up tears "I can't allow, that..."

Author-Director : David Kidman
Delegate Producer : In Progress
Co-producer : Work in Progress
Contribution : DAP (Délégation aux Arts Plastiques), Image/mouvement


Distributor : In Progress
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