Raquel Marques, María Zafra
2016 - 60 min - Video SD - Couleur - Espagne

English summary
There are changes to our bodies that we desire and have control over; while there are others that come suddenly, unexpectedly, and even brutally. They remind us that life is not always ours to control. After surviving breast cancer, Ainhoa takes a decision to reconstruct her body with a tattoo.
A process through which she seeks to empower herself in her new trans body. Arreta focuses on the body and the changes it goes through, where illness and death are another part of life. "Arreta means attention and awareness", says Ainhoa. Attention to what? Perhaps that life will never stop surprising us with the most seemingly trivial of things…the passing of time.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Raquel Marques, María Zafra
Image : Raquel Marques
Son : María Zafra
Montage : Raquel Marques, María Zafra
Producteur délégué : Raquel Marques
Coproducteur : María Zafra


Distributeur : Raquel Marques, María Zafra


2017 - Zinegoak (International GayLesboTrans Film and Performing Arts Festival), Bilbao (Espagne) : Lesbianismo y Género
2016 - Alcances Cádiz Film Festival, Cádiz (Espagne) : Sélection
2016 - Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones, Barcelona (Espagne) : Sélection
2016 - Festival Márgenes, Madrid (Espagne) : Sélection
2016 - L'Alternativa - Festival de Cinéma Indépendant de Barcelone, Barcelona (Espagne) : Sélection