Ludovica Tortora de Falco
2013 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France, Italie

Real institution in the South of Italy, the Pizzo is the expected protection money extorted by the Mafia from all storekeepers whose activities are located inside the Mafia-controlled boundaries.
For most people, the Pizzo looked as an unchangeable root of the Italian society: something against whom nothing nor nobody could fight.
Though, at the beginning of the 90ies, a little group of storekeepers from a Northern Sicily village founded an association keen on fighting against this injustice, this extortion, publicly: all together, united.
It was the very first time that simple citizens victims of the pizzo publicly revealed the identity of the racketeers, summoned in an Italian courtroom.
A revolt against this "pizzo culture" was beginning. Nowadays, around 70 “Antiracket” associations are active through Italy.

Author-Director : Ludovica Tortora de Falco
Photography : Renaud Personnaz
Sound : Luca Bertolin
Editing : Felice D'Agostino
Original Music : Michele Ancora, Marco Cirilli
Delegate Producer : Imagine édition moins que demain
Co-producer : Arapan Cinema Documentario
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Corse Via Stella
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : RAI Educational
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Andana films