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Être et Devenir Wayana
Jean-Luc Cohen, Louis Bastin
2007 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

After spending a long time as a French teacher in the village of Antecum Pata in French Guyana, François Puzenat retired and moved to the Ardèche region in France. Today, he continues to maintain his close ties with the young villagers and especially his old friend, Mimi Siku, the village elder.
This film follows in the footsteps of these young Wayanas and by looking through the prism of school and the education system we learn about the different social factors, the individual cases, and the general state of affairs that affect their lives. They are a generation torn between two worlds: the traditional one which provides them with few answers and the Western world which raises many questions for them.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Cohen, Louis Bastin
Author : Jean Cormier
Photography : Jean-Luc Cohen
Sound : Louis Bastin
Editing : Louis Bastin
Delegate Producer : L' Envol productions
Co-producer : Prodom
Co-producer : Adalios
Broadcasting Co-producer : Cap Canal
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète
Contribution : ACSE (Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l'égalité des chances), CNC, Procirep, Département de l'Ardèche


Distributor : L' Envol productions
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