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Anges ou Démons Série-Collection : Des requins et des hommes

Jean-Luc Guidoin, Dirk Steffens
2008 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

Tiger shark is 4 to 5 meters long and remains unknown to zoologists. Centralized in Caribbean’s, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Islands, it is a solitary animal. Passionate by sharks, Graeme Duane begins new diving sessions during which he is going to try to go near them. But, we almost do not know anything about tiger shark. Mysterious and unexpected, it eats everything, unlike the great white shark. It is considered as a real sea trash.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Guidoin, Dirk Steffens
Author : Marie Pilhan
Author : Florian Dedio
Photography : Charles Maxwell, Graeme Duane, Patrick Wack, Hans-Peter Eckardt, Boris Mahlau, Torben Muller, Barry Skinstead, Grant Johnson
Sound : Torsten Reimers, Olivier Launay
Editing : Jean-Luc Guidoin
Delegate Producer : Angel Production
Co-producer : Looks Filmproduktionen GmbH
Co-producer : Flying Fox ZA
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles
Broadcasting Co-producer : Ushuaïa TV, Planète, Vox (Allemagne)
Contribution : CNC, Europe Média


Distributor : Europe images international