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Voyage en Amérique
Paul Grandsard
1998 - 26 min - HI 8 & Beta SP - Couleur - France

The purpose of the project was to follow a group of tourists from their arrival in JFK Airport, New York, all the way down to Miami, Florida. The film was shot in the same manner as a "tourist film", with a light handy-cam. It is just as fragmentary and subjective, and like most tourist films, somewhat distant towards its subject. However, in this instance, the subject of the film is not the sights visited, but the travelers themselves, and the system to which they are willingly submitted (represented by tour guides...). There are deliberately no interviews nor commentaries in the film, as I had to make myself as discreet as any tourist. The impressions left by this odd trip make the film...
"Amerikareise" was inspired by my own personal experience as a tour guide for German tour groups in USA during several summers.

Author-Director : Paul Grandsard
Delegate Producer : Les Films de la girafe voyageuse


Distributor : Les Films de la girafe voyageuse
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