Claudia Mollese
2015 - 58 min - HD 16/9 - Couleur et Noir & blanc - Italie, France

A trip on the trail of a legendary figure of the South of Italy, the discovery of an invisible city suspended between devotion and transgression. Mara is a transsexual whose life created a scandal in the city of Lecce, from the 50s until the day of her will.
Her portrait is drawn through the words of those who crossed their lives with hers. Lola’s husky voice, the cultured and sensual voice of the Princess, Anna ‘s moved voice and Vanda’s lucid voice, they all intertwine fragments of their lives with memories of Mara.
A new town suspended between memory and desire, public and private, takes shape, against a background of religious parades, foreigners awaiting eviction from their home and intricate alleys.

Author-Director : Claudia Mollese
Photography : Claudia Mollese
Sound : Claudia Mollese
Editing : Nicola Bergamaschi
Delegate Producer : Claudia Mollese
Co-producer : CNRS Images
Co-producer : EHESS (École des Hautes Études en sciences sociales)
Co-producer : Le Polygone étoilé, Film Flamme


Distributor : Claudia Mollese
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2015 - Festival du film gay et lesbien de Turin, Turin (Italie) : Sélection
2015 - Festival del Cinema Europeo, Lecce (Italie) : Sélection