Jean-François Neplaz
2010 - 60 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

The restless history of the previous century in the North of Italy is one "point from where to see" which feeds the work, major, of the writer Mario Rigoni Stern. In this ultimate testimony (he died in June, 2008), he accompanies our progress in the imagination of the inhabitants of the altipiano of Asiago, mountain dwellers, for whom he became the diarist.
Alpini is "the alpine". But also indicates the Italian mountain infantrymen. Armed force in which the young soldier Mario Rigoni Stern committed at 18 years. It became a symbol in Italy, between 1937 and 1945.

Author-Director : Jean-François Neplaz
Photography : Jean-François Neplaz
Sound : Gianluca Gurnari, Elisa Zurlo, Francesco Tedde
Editing : Caroline Beuret, Laurent Thivolle
Delegate Producer : Shellac sud
Co-producer : Film Flamme


Distributor : Shellac
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - Etats Généraux du Film Documentaire, Lussas - France : Incertains Regards