Allemagne, terrain vague
1/ Généalogie d'une Rue : Akertrasse - Berlin 2/ Le Mur Dans La Tête
Boris Breckoff
2003 - 90 min - Super 8 mm - Couleur - France, Allemagne

The Berlin Wall separated a continent, a nation, and a city –but it also divides a street, running downs its middle. It was along this wide thoroughfare which divided the East from the West that the filmmaker looked for people on both sides, to ask them to talk about their daily lives in the past.
Their personal memories all vary according to each person's own destiny, but they still remain linked to this fateful history. And the film itself is divided, alternating interviews with passages that evoke impossible archives in black and white images.
This demanding first film is an act of mourning that re-examines an old wound which refuses to heal quickly because it links the suffering of individuals with the terror inflicted by History.

Author-Director : Boris Breckoff
Delegate Producer : Atopic
Co-producer : Ada & Zylla Films
Co-producer : Koppfilm Productions GmbH
Co-producer : Absynthe production
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV 10 Angers
Contribution : Procirep, Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve, CNC


Distributor : Atopic
Disponible au Club du doc


2003 - FID (Festival International du Documentaire), Marseille (France) : Premier Prix