Ainsi parlait… Pliouchtch Série-Collection : Ainsi parlait…

Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
2010 - 55 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - France

Interned in psychiatric jail, the Ukrainian mathematician, well-known upholder of human rights in USSR, Leonid Pliouchtch was released thanks to an international mobilization, notably french. He emigrated in France at the beginning of 1976, and has been quite discreet for the last 15 years. He accepted to speak openly with the political scientists Hélène Blanc (CNRS) and Renata Lesnik.
Both actor and witness to this rather forgotten era, the intellectual gets ,without taboo, unto the most burning issue thematic, sets the upheavals of the Soviet History back in context and demystifies the great figures of Lenin, Stalin... up to Poutin.
His political self-portrait, improved with thinking about human condition, religion, philosophy, politic, literature... embodies a sparkle of the living memory of world history.
During these days of cold peace, while new dangers threaten the world, this intellectual reveals a unique testimony, which throws light on the international community, notably among new generations.

Author-Director : Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
Author : Hélène Blanc
Author : Renata Lesnik
Photography : Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
Sound : Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
Editing : Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
Delegate Producer : L' Autre Film


Distributor : Serge Gauthier-Pavlov
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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