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African Parade
Filipe Araujo
2008 - 52 min - Portugal, Espagne

As the stage for the biggest meeting ever held between European diplomacy and 53 African leaders – famous dictators included –, the exotic city of Lisbon becomes the centre of the world.
Amidst a massive media spectacle, Europe and Africa meet in the Portuguese capital for a weekend filled with displays of power and glory. For the first time in history the ex-colonized display themselves ostentatiously, like pop-stars, before their old colonizers. Filmed backstage, African Parade provides an alternative perspective on these kinds of global events and the city - Lisbon as a neutral territory where human rights transgressors and their victims will be able to walk side by side.

Author-Director : Filipe Araujo
Delegate Producer : Blablablamedia
Co-producer : Black Box Audiovisuales


Distributor : Blablablamedia
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