Actually She Is My Little Brother
( Eigentlich ist sie mein kleiner Bruder )

Lena Lobers, Carina Nickel
2019 - 39 min - Couleur - Allemagne

English summary
"Actually she is my little brother" tells the journey of the young film student Lena. Because of her transsexual sister she meets three young people who are already on their way into the right body. The question of how Lena is able to support her eleven-year-old sister is omnipresent.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Lena Lobers, Carina Nickel
Image : Lena Lobers, Carina Nickel
Son : Lena Lobers, Carina Nickel
Montage : Lena Lobers, Carina Nickel
Producteur délégué : Hochschule Hannover


Distributeur : Aug&Ohr Medien