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À propos du cochon
Théodora Escouflaire
2004 - 10 min - Mini DV - Couleur - France

A winter morning in a farm of the Lot (Southern France), a pig is brought.
There are the last moments of its life.
The farmers, helped by the "killer", pull it up to a hook right above the door.
Respectfully, the pig is killed, bleeded, shaven, burnt and eviscerated.
The body is now fastened on a ladder on the wall : the work of the men gives way to the women work.
The cooking and the merry-making of the meal are suggested in the last moments of the movie.

Author-Director : Théodora Escouflaire
Delegate Producer : Théodora Escouflaire


Distributor : Théodora Escouflaire
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