À la droite de Dieu
Martin Meissonnier
2004 - 55 min - Beta digital - Couleur - France, Australie

Since 9/11, the world has come to realize that George W. Bush belongs to the Evangelical Christian movement. Their influence can be seen in the US president's program, speeches and actions. These Christians, whose exact number is impossible to establish because the barrier between fundamentalists and moralists is imperceptible, are missionaries by tradition and are all equal before God. They use modern communications technologies to preach the Word.
For the past 30 years, a reactionary trend has been spreading through the Evangelical Christian movement. Many have become fundamentalists. Baptist, Charismatist or Pentecotist, conservative and proud of it, visionary or loner ƒ who are they? What do they want?
Made on the eve of the US presidential elections, this film takes a look at the missionary voters of the mightiest nation on earth.

Author-Director : Martin Meissonnier
Delegate Producer : Productions Campagne Première
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus
Broadcasting Co-producer : SBS Australia


Distributor : CAPA Presse TV