SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Assembled Territories: image, music, sound
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Assembled Territories: image, music, sound

Assembled Territories: image, music, sound

  • Tuesday 21 August - 10:00 am - Room 1 - Atelier : Écrire et développer un documentaire de création

    Workshop 1 For the sixth consecutive year, the CNC is organising a workshop on the process of developing a documentary film having received support from the Aid Fund for Audiovisual Innovation in Creative Documentary. This year, we will examine the project A Praga – La plaie, written and directed by Hélène Robert and Jérémy Perrin, produced by Alexandre Hecker (Audimage production), and music composed by Clément Vercelletto. The project has also received seed money from two regions (Basse Normandie and Rhône-Alpes). Aside from the origins of the project and the development of its production, the workshop will focus on the creation of a sound space for the film in collaboration with the composer. Trained in Fine Arts, Hélène Robert is a photographer and director. Jérémy Perrin combines numerous passions: musician, director, producer of radio programmes... Clément Vercelletto is both theatrical sound engineer, instrument player and an electro-acoustical composer. The project is being developed by Audimage Production, a young production company founded in 2009. In the city of Porto, rumours spread about the ever more threatening presence of seagulls. Folk stories, true collective poems, provide the fictional narrative thread of this film which recounts a struggle opposing human and animal.

    In the presence of the directors, composer and producer.

    Wednesday 22 August - 10:00 am - Room 1 - Table ronde : « Les dispositifs d’aide à la musique originale »

    Panel The goal of this encounter is to present the aid funds that exist today favouring the development of greater collaboration between composers and directors and to better finance the creation of original music for film. The panel, moderated by Arnaud de Mezamat, producer at Abacaris Films, will be organised around the presentation (pending confirmation) of: - Aid funds organised by the Sacem: aid for the creation of original music for television; aid for the creation of original music for short films via relay structures acting as partners in the regions (Maison du Film court in Île-de-France, Sirar and Alcimé in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), Ciclic in région Centre, the Pôle Image Haute-Normandie and Gindou Cinéma in Midi-Pyrénées); - A new partnership between the Sacem and the Scam; - Aid for the creation of original music by the Crrav (Nord-Pas-de-Calais); - Aid funds organised by the CNC: support fund for the music of feature films and additional aid for short films; - Workshops developed by the Aubagne International Film Festival which encourage encounters between directors, producers and composers.

    In the presence of Valentine Roulet, Aline Jelen, Anne-Gaëlle Milbeau-Rodeville and under reserve, Philippe Freville.

    Wednesday 22 August - 2:30 pm - Room 2 - Atelier : La Musique du cinéma

    The Ensorcery of James Ensor
    Nora Philippe, Arnaud de Mezamat - 2010 - France/Belgique - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Super 8 mm & HD - 60'

    Wednesday 22 August - 9:15 pm - Room 5

    Nannerl, la sœur de Mozart
    René Féret - 2010 - France - Couleur - 35 mm - 120'

    Friday 24 August - 10:15 am - Room 3 - Atelier : Musique originale

    Surgi de la brume dans un rugissement strident
    Christine Marrou - 2010 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - DV - 48'

    Friday 24 August - 2:30 pm - Room 1 - Atelier avec Philippe Langlois

    Le Ballet mécanique
    Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy - 1924 - France - Noir & Blanc - 35 mm - 16'

    La Marche des machines
    Eugène Deslaw - 1928 - France/Russie - Noir & Blanc - 16 mm - 9'

    The Song of Ceylon
    Harry Watt, Basil Wright - 1934 - Angleterre - Noir & Blanc - 35 mm - 37'

    L' Écriture sonore ( Tönende Handschrift )
    Rudolf Pfenninger - 1932 - Allemagne - Noir & Blanc - 35 mm - 13'

    Pen Point Percussion
    Norman McLaren - 1951 - Canada - Noir & Blanc - 6'

    Symphonie mécanique
    Jean Mitry - 1955 - France - Noir & Blanc - 35 mm - 13'

    Friday 24 August - 9:14 pm - Room 3 - Prix Sacem

    François Perlier - 2012 - France - Couleur - HD - 52'