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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Writing and developing a creative documentary

Writing and developing a creative documentary

Like every year, the CNC is organising a workshop around a film which received support from the Aid Fund for Audiovisual Innovation in creative documentary. To confront the issues of development, this year we will discuss Régis Sauder’s project L’Ordre du genre, produced by Doc(k)s 66 (Violaine Harchin and Aleksandra Cheuvreux).
In his career as a documentary filmmaker, Régis Sauder has chosen to place himself at the point where words resist enunciation, places where they are necessary but often inaudible: at school, in hospital or in prison. He is notably the author of the films Children of the Princess of Cleves and Being There.
Doc(k)s 66 is a production and distribution company specialised in documentary. Its activity includes television as well as the cinema and accompanies a film through all the stages of its life, from writing to distribution in all formats: cinema, television, VOD, DVD.

L’Ordre du genre
In Marseilles, commissioned by a family planning agency, a theatre company presents a series of short sketches to audiences of young people, all staging various situations of oppression. Provoked by this public health initiative, the youngsters speak up. We thus hear them express their desires, anxieties and already heavily stereotyped representations of the role and place of each one. Eranik, the actress who leads the company, is also a part time staff member at Planning 13. With her, we discover that the themes presented to the middle school kids are played out again in more concrete situations during consultations. The film, operating between direct cinema and staging, shows that, beyond the designation of gender and relations of domination and submission, other forms of oppression are played out, often connected and extremely violent. The film leads us in a joyous and playful fashion to question them in the light of a “new feminism”, perhaps less idealistic and more pragmatic, but which concerns us all.

Workshop led by Valentine Roulet (CNC).
With the participation of Régis Sauder, director, and Aleksandra Cheuvreux, producer.