Catalogue des films de « Thibaud Darscotte »

4 films
Le Souffle court
Son | Belgique | 2023

En mars 2020, un collectif bruxellois de réalisateurs et réalisatrices entame des échanges sur Skype avec huit soignants et soignantes de première ligne, mobilisé(e)s face à la pandémie de Covid. Au fil des mois, la parole se libère....

Quartier Nomade
Son | Belgique | 2018

From Flanders to Wallonia "the nomadic district" crosses Belgium in an annual tour that has been going on for centuries. Its inhabitants, the showmen, are nevertheless well established in the modernity. In the banality of their daily lives and the...

Une cheffe et sa bonne étoile
Son | Belgique, France | 2016

When the chef Isabelle Arpin joins the restaurant "Alexandre", she knows that only a star to the guide Michelin can save it. During the months, which precede and follow the announcement of stars, the documentary follows the ascent of a chef woman...

Karaoké domestique
Son | Belgique | 2013

In every house, someone has to tidy, do the washing and clean. But who? "Domestic Karaoke" is a performance and an experience: articulating six women’s words, putting myself at their place. 3x2 women, one doing for the other the domestic work...