Catalogue des films de « Stefano Savona »

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8 films
La Route de Samouni
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France, Italie | 2018

In the rural outskirts of Gaza City, the Samouni family is about to celebrate a wedding. It’s going to be the first celebration since the last war. Amal, Fuad, their brothers and cousins have lost their parents, their houses and their olive...

The Passion of Erto
Image | Italie, France | 2013

Erto is a village in the Italian Alps, nestled in the craggy Vajont valley, where the dam of the same name was built in the late 1950s, at the time the tallest in the world. In 1963, a landslide on Monte Toc caused a flooding of the artificial...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France, Italie | 2011

Cairo, February 2011. Elsayed, Noha and Ahmed are young Egyptians involved in the revolution, therefore occupying Tahrir Square night and day. They keep saying, shouting and singing, together with thousands of other Egyptians, what could not be...

Palazzo delle Aquile
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France, Italie | 2011

The Palace as a home: the occupation of Palermo city hall by 18 families stands as a saga chronicling the right to housing and democracy as expressed in words.

L’ Orange et l’Huile
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Italie | 2010

First fragments of Stefano Savona's documentary project "Pain de saint Joseph" in which a hundred Sicilian peasants speak to us of the day they were hungry and the day their hunger was finally satisfied. At once the recital of an extinct...

Plomb durci
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | Italie | 2009

It's January 6, 2009, the eleventh day of Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. Witnesses have been unable to penetrate the Strip to date. It's been impossible to force the air-tight block to the international press imposed by occupying forces. All of...

Dans le même bateau
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | Italie | 2006

Lampedusa, southern Italy. A summer night. A new boat arrives from the other side of the sea: today, one hundred and forty of them from far away lands sit on the docks, waiting and thinking in silence.

Carnets d'un combattant kurde
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France, Italie | 2006

Akif left Germany to join up with the PKK guerrilla. His group is crossing the Iraqi Kurdistan mountains to reach the combat zones along the Turkish border. The group includes two young women: Germanborn Slay, who is playful and familiar with...