Catalogue des films de « Maxime Champesme »

4 films
Son | France | 2017

What starts out as a straight forward documentary on carrier pigeons turns into a subtle investigation of France’s reaction to terror, the migrant crisis, and lost traditions. This short hand-made film, entirely processed in red wine, surveys...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Champ de bataille
Son | France | 2014

Lola is lost, she doesn't know who she is anymore. She knows she is not an 8 year-old-girl anymore but she doesn't really feel like a 28-year-old woman either! She dives into her family's history, although she thinks family is a disgusting...

Les Ensortilèges de James Ensor
Son | France, Belgique | 2010

The shadow of the painter James Ensor still haunts the pier of Ostende. This unclassifiable artist of the 19th and 20th centuries developed an avant-garde art where colours and patterns highlight the carnival of our world. The voice of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ailleurs
Son | France | 2010

Un documentaire sur les dernières locomotives à vapeur chinoises au dépôt Daban de la société de chemin de fer Jitong (Mongolie-Intérieure, Chine). La locomotive est le symbole de l'époque industrielle lourde. Dans ce film, les vapeurs...