Catalogue des films de « Marie-Catherine Miqueau »

4 films
Le Juif de Lascaux
Auteur, Image, Montage | France | 2015

Is it possible to create the autobiography of an inhibition? Especially if it involves denial about birth, about origins. Especially when this silence covers horror. By conducting an investigation, stirring up archives, by going down paths of...

Skorecki déménage
Montage | France | 2009

"A major French daily, "Libération", is in turmoil. The editor and the news teams meet up to talk head to head. The newspaper relocates its headquarters and everyone is invited to gather their things together. In the middle of the turmoil of the...

La Face nord du camembert
Montage | France | 1985

In one of the scenes of Gérard Mordilla's film "Billy ze Kick", Christophe Profit, one of the best alpinist in the world, doubles for an actor and climbs, without ropes or security, the smooth face of a 60 -metre-high block of flats.

Son, Montage | France | 1985

USA + USSR = USSA. My film is about blurred boundaries, probably due to my own personal history. I was born in New York, to Russian and Czech parents, raised in Brazil and educated in France. As a result, the film is a cultural cocktail shot on...