Catalogue des films de « Léandre-Alain Baker »

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3 films
Yolande ou les blessures du silence
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Congo Brazzaville | 2015

Rescapée du génocide rwandais, Yolande Mukagasana a perdu son mari et tous ses enfants. Elle se bat aujourd'hui contre le silence qui continue de peser sur ce drame et aide les survivants à parler, à dire l'indicible, à comprendre ce qui...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Distributeur | France | 2000

Gérald-Félix Tchicaya U Tam’si, born in 1931 on the coastal plain of Pointe Noire in the Congo, was one of the great poets of the French language. He left his country at the age of 15 for France where his father was a member of parliament. At...

Diogène à Brazzaville
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Congo | 1999

How, when his first novel, "La Vie et demie", was published by Éditions du Seuil in 1979, the young Sony Labou Tansi, born in Kimzanza, a little village on the banks of the Loya, a tributary of the Congo, became a man of the theatre, a writer of...