Catalogue des films de « Fred Piet »

10 films
Dans un miroir obscurément
Montage | France, Belgique | 2023

Comment Mickey Rourke, acteur adulé des années 80, séducteur trouble promis à devenir le successeur de Marlon Brando, s'est-il si rapidement transformé en has-been, habitué de la presse à scandales, boxeur raté, et illustration vivante des...

Point virgule
Son, Montage | France | 2023

Since the end of the 19th century, psychology has developed tools for workers to submit to the industrialization of capitalist labor while ignoring the damage caused to the body and mind of the workers.

Il n'y aura plus de nuit
Montage | France | 2020

"There will be no more night" is based on video recordings from the American and the French armed forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan… The film diverts these propaganda images and show how far the desire to see can lead to, when it is used...

Montage | France | 2019

Krishna est redevenue femme. Au fil de l’eau, elle se souvient et nous raconte. Les esprits du fleuve veillent.

Montage | France, Cap Vert | 2017

Chloé, personnage principal parcourt le volcan de Fogo au Cap Vert. Dans un village, elle assiste à une fête païenne qui la transpose dans une époque médiévale.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Qui veut manger des super-héros ?
Montage | France | 2015

In our daily lives, living secretively amongst us there are heroes, heroes who were born with extraordinary powers. They are not your ordinary super-heroes. They are everywhere, doing a dangerous and sometimes hazardous job. Super-Carrot,...

Les Allées sombres
Image, Son, Montage | France | 2015

Rough tree bark, a carpet of dead leaves and branches, the smooth walls of the cave: Claire Doyon’s film immediately stands out as an experience of sensation. The surfaces touched and explored, as if read by the hands that wander over it, create...

Montage | France | 2012

"Mother of an autistic little girl, director Claire Doyon decides to try and find a way to make her child feel better by undertaking a long journey. Together they travel to the deepest corners of Mongolian Siberia, searching for a shaman with...

I am Kombi
Montage | France | 2012

Seen by many as a cool and friendly camper van, a lost and confused Kombi VW bus decides to take a trip around the globe in search of his true identity. Seen through the eyes of several different owners of this iconic bus, Kombi stumbles across...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Loin de mes idées
Montage | France | 2009

Paris 9e. Quartier de Pigalle. Les habitants de la maison-relais Navarin ont quitté l'enfermement psychiatrique. Maintenant qu'ils ont retrouvé une nouvelle liberté, ils en parlent...

10 films